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DiamondFinish Clear

Storage Tips For DiamondFinish Clear When Dipping Lures

Clear coating fishing lures and crank baits by dipping is an extremely common application for DiamondFinish Clear. Over the past 20+ years, we have been given quite a few storage tips when using DiamondFinish Clear to dip fishing lures.

There are small bubbles in my cured DiamondFinish Clear. How do I prevent this and fix it?

Small bubbles in the DiamondFinish Clear film are easy to correct and then achieve a beautiful and durable finish. +Read More.

Can tints, pearls, and metal flake be added to DiamondFinish Clear?

Tinting and adding metal flake to DiamondFinish Clear is extremely common. +Read More.

Can DiamondFinish Clear be used as a concrete sealer or clear concrete paint?

DiamondFinsih Clear is an excellent concrete sealer that makes the concrete surface more durable and makes for much easier clean-up. +Read More.

Can DiamondFinish Clear be used to clear coat rusted metal to preserve a patina look?

DiamondFinish Clear is ideal for clear coating a rusty surface to stop the rust but keep the rusted patina look. +Read More.

Can DiamondFinish Clear be used on industrial equipment as a protective clear coat?

DiamondFinish Clear is an ideal clear coat for industrial equipment. +Read More.

The paint is peeling off my hood on my car, could I lightly sand it and apply DiamondFinish Clear to these areas?

DiamondFinish Clear is ideal for stopoing peeling paint and small rust spots on a vehicle. +Read More.

What is the best way to open my can of DiamondFinish Clear?

There is a proper way to open a can of DiamondFinish Clear so you are able to close the lid and save DiamondFinish Clear for future use. +Read More.

What kind of roller covers work best for DiamondFinish Clear?

You can roll on DiamondFinish Clear and the best roller cover to use is a low nap mohair roller cover. +Read More.

What is the best way to store DiamondFinish Clear after you open the can?

DiamondFinish Clear can easily be stored for at least six months after opening. +Read More.

Will DiamondFinish Clear chip?

DiamondFinish Clear is formulated with advanced coatings technologies allowing DiamondFInish Clear to be virtually chip-proof under even extreme circumstances. DiamondFinish Clear can easily be stored for at least six months after opening.

Can I clear coat wood with DiamondFinish Clear?

DiamondFinish Clear is used to clear coat wood, both sealed and unsealed, raw wood to provide durability and gloss. +Read More.

How can I matte down DiamondFinish Clear to give a satin of flat sheen?

You can matte down DiamondFinish Clear after 24 hours to give a nice matte or flat finish to your clear coat finish. +Read More.

What is the coverage for DiamondFinish Clear?

For DiamondFinish Clear, theoretical coverage at one mil (25 µm) is 400 sq.ft. per gallon/9.8 m² per liter. +Read More.

Can I clear coat carbon fiber with DiamondFinish Clear?

DiamondFinish Clear is an ideal clear coat to clear coat carbon fiber to protect the surface with a durable finish. +Read More.

Can DiamondFinish Clear be applied over hydrographics?

DiamondFinish Clear is the ideal clear coat for clear coating over hydrographics. +Read More.

Will this product adhere to a plastic like a hard hat? Also, will it go over vinyl stickers without harming them?

DiamondFinish Clear is ideal for clear coating hard plastics and also sealing up vinyl decals and vinyl stickers. +Read More.

Can DiamondFinish Clear be applied over rusted metal? I have some vintage items that are painted and have rusted areas which I want to try and preserve as they are.

DiamondFinish is an ideal clear coat to apply over an older, rusty surface to keep the patina look and prevent future rust. +Read More.

What is the best way to store DiamondFinish Clear after you open the can?

Dispense a working amount of DiamondFinish Clear into a separate container (steel or glass is best) and seal original can immediately. +Read More.

Do the Brush Mark Really Flow Out When Brushing DiamondFinish Clear?

DiamondFinish Clear was designed to be brushed and when DiamondFinish Clear is brushed, the brush marks do flow out. +Read More.

Should DiamondFinish Clear be thinned for spraying? With what do you thin DiamondFinish Clear?

For thinning DiamondFinish Clear, you need a slower evaporating solvent than a traditional paint thinner. +Read More.

How do I speed up the curing of DiamondFinish Clear?

To get the humidity higher, wet the floor, wet some cardboard in the room, throw some wet towels on the floor, add a humidifier to the room or do whatever works for you and your situation. +Read More.

Can DiamondFinish Clear be used over RustSeal? I'm looking to use rust seal as a color base coat on some automotive components (steering rack, transmission, differential...etc) and use clear to provide the UV protective layer/topcoat?

We do not recommend putting DiamondFinish Clear over RustSeal because although DiamondFinish Clear is absolutely UV stable, DiamondFinish Clear does not block the UV rays from getting through to the RustSeal. +Read More.

Can you use Diamondfinish Clear on 1986 fiberglass Bass boat top plate? Has been wet sanded.

Wipe the fiberglass surface down with KBS Klean. Allow to dry. Then apply the DiamondFinish Clear. +Read More.

What is the recommendation for wet sanding and buffing times on DiamondFinish Clear?

For a mirror-like finish, DiamondFinish Clear can be cut and polished or buffed as a normal automotive clear coat after 24 hours under normal conditions. +Read More.

Do you recommend DiamondFinish Clear for direct to metal applications?

DiamondFinish Clear is specifically formulated for many applications including Direct To Metal Applications. +Read More.

Can DiamondFinish Clear be used over water based paint?

DiamondFinish Clear is an ideal clear coat to apply over fully cured water based coatings to provide protection and gloss. +Read More.

Can DiamondFinish Clear be used over RustSeal?

We do not recommend putting DiamondFinish Clear over RustSeal because although DiamondFinish Clear is absolutely UV stable, DiamondFinish Clear does not block the UV rays from getting through to the RustSeal. +Read More.

Can DiamondFinish Clear be used over laquer and enamel paint?

DiamondFinish Clear can be applied over fully cured lacquer or enamel paints. +Read More.

Can DiamondFinish Clear be applied over another coating (like a base coat)?

DiamondFinish Clear can be applied over other coatings that are fully cured. +Read More.

My DiamondFinish Clear has thickened some. Can I thin it?

DiamondFinish Clear can be thinned and reduced down with KBS #1 Thinner when needed. +Read More.
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