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Feb 28 (31 days ago)
Guest wrote
I think the undercoating on my 67 Charger is probably as old as the car and has turned a dirty looking tan/gray color. Can I apply any of your products over the old undercoating? Removing all that stuff would be a royal pain in the ass. If I could use any of your undercoatings or paints over it that would make my day.
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Feb 28 (31 days ago)
KBS Coatings Support Agent agent wrote

Absolutely. Clean the old undercoated surface(s) well with KBS Klean. Rinse. Let Dry.

After that, apply KBS UnderCoat. KBS Coatings features KBS UnderCoat Asphalt and KBS UnderCoat Rubberized. Both undercoatings will work incredibly well, so pick the one you prefer. You can simply apply the KBS UnderCoat over the cleaned old undercoating to freshen it up, add durability, and add sound deadening.

Please review the KBS UnderCoat Directions before you start your project and reach out if you have any additional questions.